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AIC Syndicates

syn·di·cate + noun: a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote a common interest


We offer a holistic + heuristic approach to finding self & community via:

environmentalism + Activism + Artistry + Soul



Purple Paper Structures

ARMADILLO Environmentalism

en·vi·ron·men·tal·ism + noun: concern about and action aimed at protecting the environment


Networking, Learning, Creating, advocating for laws, infrastructures, & organizations that support:


public gardens in food deserts + Climate zone & ecosystem best gardening practices + better recycling initiatives + better public transportation initiatives + LandBack Initiatives



ac·tiv·ism + noun: use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a social or cultural result


Networking, Learning, Creating, & advocating for laws, infrastructures, & organizations that support:


public education & youth programs + LGBTQ+ & reproductive rights + protection & empowerment of disenfranchised and marginalized persons/communities + sustainable environmental Initiatives + Public Arts Programs

Green Paper Structures


Blue Paper Structures


art·ist·ry + noun: skill or ability in creating or performing something


Networking, Learning, Creating, & advocating for laws, infrastructures, & organizations that support:


artists establishing clientele & community + beginning artist workshops + supply drives + writing & performance opportunities + art of all forms that inspires growth & love



soul + noun: the spiritual part of a human being + the part of a person that is not physical & experiences deep feelings & emotions


Networking, Learning, & Creating infrastructures & organizations that support holistic pathways to connection + compassion + community


many ancient & Indigenous cultures have a central figure or network of people who help guide others along the path to living their life’s purpose by finding love & connection with one’s self + source + society

Torquoise Paper Structures
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